Water Resource Development Directorate

Exploring, utilizing and conserving Surface and Ground Water in the State of West Bengal is the institutional target of the Department of the Water Resources Investigation & Development (DWRI&D) of the Government of West Bengal by way of application of Technology & Technical know-how to cater the increasing demand of fresh water as well as to prevent degradation of water quality mainly in the interest of the cultivation. It is well known fact that the natural resources of water has become a burning issue for the entire World and Scientist. Technologist & Environmental Experts are working hard to get rid of the acute problem of scarcity of Ground and Surface water. The Department is entrusted for implementation of Minor Irrigation Schemes with command area less than 2000 Hectares. In the course of implementation of various schemes and techniques towards avoiding such scarcity, the personnel engaged in the Department are trying their level best to ensure improvement of economic condition of small and marginal farmers. Simultaneously, installation of new minor irrigation schemes, diversification of new crops under the changed circumstances are being explored at length throughout the State. It is important to note that the geophysical condition, agricultural practice, rainfall distribution, type of soil and most importantly the climatic condition in the State are showing certain changes during the past few years. The diversity in this regard in the State demands for implementation of different type of Minor Irrigation Schemes as per requirement and prevailing situation.